Saturday, 24 September 2016

Maternal language shapes infants' cry melodies

Even a child's very first cry is marked by their maternal language.  This seems especially apparent in tonal languages - those in which pitch and the fluctuation of pitch determine meaning.  These findings also lend themselves to the idea that we begin with the foundation to build future language skills immediately from birth.  And with further study and understanding, these findings could even lead to early identification of developmental disorders.  Find out all the details HERE from ScienceDaily.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Is repeating baby talk bad for speech development?

"Your toddler's baby talk is cute, but are you stunting her development by repeating it back?" (Moyer, 2016)
Listening to those little mistakes that are oh-so-cute, we can sometimes find ourselves saying the same mistakes when responding - or maybe even in our own language to encourage the errors simply for their sweetness.  But when is it a disservice to model these errors in our language? 
Dianne Paul, director of clinical issues in speech-language pathology at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, says it is not bad for parents to mimic the mistake's of toddlers as long as they don't do it all the time. 

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Fact or Fiction? The Top 10 Assumptions about Early Speech and Language Development

It's so easy to get so wrapped up in studies and articles, research and stories, that it gets hard to sort out fact from fiction.  The Hanen Centre is always a great resource of information, and they are great at keeping things SIMPLE.  Check out this Fact or Fiction? The 10 Assumptions about Early Speech and Language Development and see for yourself.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Workshop: Making Sense of Discipline with Dr. Gordon Neufeld

Check out this great opportunity right here in Guelph.  This workshop is geared to teachers and parents to help with the what to do when...
Find all the details and register HERE.

NOV 26 @ 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Most every parent and teacher wants to know what to do when ….. This tends to be the most pressing and universal issue in dealing with children. Finding the right answers to these questions becomes more challenging when parents and teachers are concerned about issues like attachment and healthy development and do not want their discipline methods to undermine or sabotage these processes. At the same time however there is the responsibility to teach the lessons that need to learned and to impose order when required.

This day seminar speaks to the question of what to do when …, but does so in the larger context of what is required to raise children to their full potential as human beings. Some of the prevailing discipline practices – like time-outs and consequences – are discussed from this perspective. This seminar provides participants with the opportunity to develop a comprehensive approach to discipline with strategies that are attachment-safe and developmentally friendly.

Single Workshop Pass ($65) includes lunch

Group Workshop Pass ($500/10 tickets)

NOV 25 @ 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The digital revolution has happened so quickly that it has caught most of us off guard. Yet the digital world is here to stay, changing our society in ways that have far-reaching consequences for our children. What are the implications for parenting? How do we harness the spectacular connecting potential and yet avoid the pitfalls of attachment technology gone awry? How do we prepare them to live in this new world and yet preserve what is required for healthy development to take place? We have followed our children into the digital world and yet for their sakes as well as ours, need to restore our lead in order to avoid the insidious dangers that live in the shadows of this potent technology.
Dr. Neufeld looks at the digital revolution as a developmentalist committed to helping parents help their children become all they were meant to be. He not only explains the drive underlying today’s digital technology but also points to a way through
Single Evening Pass ($20)

Double Evening Pass ($40)

Group Evening Pass ($150/10 tickets)

To more information to purchase tickets to the Saturday November 26th workshop MAKING SENSE OF DISCIPLINE click here.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Best start!

Week one: check! You made it!
Now that the kids have got their feet wet and everyone is warming up to the idea, if you want to find out even more about expectations for school readiness in Ontario, check out  They break down the array of skills considered for school readiness, and give great suggestions and information that are helpful and easy to put into practise.  Check it all out HERE

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

It's here!

We hope everyone had a wonderful first day back to school!
Even though summer vacation is over, there is still so much fun to be had.  Remember to check in on the KidsTalk Wellington blog for lots of tips, tricks, and info when it comes to your child's speech and language! 

Worried about school readiness? Take a step back and think of the skills your child is already acquiring and how you are supporting their development every day - with something as simple as play.  

When a child is engaged in play with caregivers and other adults in a warm and responsive relationship, she will develop qualities that will help her succeed in school:
    • Strong oral communications skills
    • Confidence
    • The ability to make friends
    • Persistent, creative problem-solving
    • Task completion
    • Curiosity
    • Eagerness to learn.
(Best Start, 2006)

Saturday, 3 September 2016

School Readiness: Language and Cognitive Development

Of course they need stylish backpacks, new shoes, and packed lunches.  But what else do your kids need to be ready for school? 
Here you'll find simple descriptions of the importance of language and cognitive development and how to support the development of these skills.